Thursday, January 2, 2014

Retirement Plan Business Models - Some thoughts

In early November, I did an interview with a Paula Aven Gladych of benefitspro (, an online media source for all things related to the benefits marketplace.  The topic of the interview was "broker business models for retirement plans".  Very soon after the interview, they posted an article called "Demand Rising for 401(k) advisors".  I was cited in the piece, but a lot of what she and I had discussed was left out, linked below.

Unbeknown to me, the author had intended a second piece which was published on 12/27 entitled "Brokers begin to break into 401(k) market".  More of what she and I had conversed about appears in this article.  In it, I discuss a couple of different service models that can work, the widening gap between "retirement pros" and beginners and how both can succeed in selling and servicing retirement plans.  Please enjoy it, linked below.

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